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The Creative Business Model Canvas

//  2018

Recent disruption to the art market has dismantled traditional barriers to entry for new artists and created opportunities for them to reach audiences and develop micro businesses from their practice. However, the majority of Australian artists are untrained in creating profitable business models from their art practice. In order for artists to identify potential opportunities they must rethink their current business strategies and resultant business model. This research project provides a practical tool for use in the business model innovation process by refining Osterwalder and Pigneur’s Business Model Canvas specifically for visual arts practitioners.

Reflective practice in undergraduate studies

//  EDULEARN16 Proceedings, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
//  Website:
//  Carter, Chris P. & Carter, Michelle (2016)
//  Short-term international mobility experiences for Australian animation students.
The Los Angeles, Animation and Visual Effects Sojourn has been developed to further establish animation research and practice at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) within a global context. To date, QUT graduate outcomes in animation have seen students predominantly focussing on placement within the local animation industry with very little research or practice occurring internationally. This localised focus has stunted the capacity for graduate outcomes in the field and limited undergraduate exposure to the wider research and creative activity occurring beyond the Australian sector. By establishing an annual sojourn to the creative and cultural hub of animation and visual effects, students are exposed to the wider animation community and shown the global research and vocational opportunities that await them after completing their undergraduate study. This paper reflects on the 2015 LA Animation Sojourn, identifies key strengths and weaknesses in the initiative and provides recommendations for future overseas short-term international mobility experiences.



// Queensland University of Technology
//  28th August, 2016.
// Jobs! Jobs! Jobs?
Creative Education: Diverse careers of the future.

This panel discussed the future of creative industries occupations and how creatives might develop sustainable creative careers.

Reflective practice in undergraduate studies

//  EDULEARN16, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
//  4-6th July, 2016.
//  Website:
Presentation of research paper investigating the critical engagement and reflection of learners in authentic learning experiences.


//  Creative Careers
// University of Canberra
//  April, 2017.
Creative Business Models

In this guest lecture I presented my research findings to the 3rd year creative industries students to invite deeper thought into how they might develop sustainable creative careers.


//  The creative-social economy in Singapore and beyond.
// Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
//  November, 2018.
Creatives and sustainable careers

At this conference I presented the outcomes of my latest research project; The Creative Business Model Canvas. 


// Marketing & Innovation
// University of Canberra
// September 2018
Developing your Artistic Identity
In this workshop, attendees reflected on their identity as creatives and developed a strategy to articulate this. Attendees also investigated how this identity operates within their creative business model and it's role in their practice.


//  The Creative Business Model Canvas
// The Refinery, Creative Enterprise Australia. 
Sunshine Coast
//  June 2019.
Creatives and sustainable careers
This workshop was designed for creative practitioners working in a range of creative disciplines.  Participants were able to clearly understand the value of their practice and mapped their current creative business model onto the Creative Business Model Canvas. 
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